Saturday, August 26, 2006

If not us, then who?

While we are all living our lives with a "it could never happen here" philosophy, people are moving into the vacuums created by our non-involvement.

No one around to demand integrity and accountability in politics? The unscrupulous and opportunistic step into their niches.

No one willing to preach the gospel of Christ, knowing what it will do to their TV ratings and "free-will" offerings? Tell people what they want to hear - appeal to their vanity, their pride, their weaknesses, their fears, their prejudices.

No one around to insist that capitalism be balanced with compassion and concern for 'the commons?" Corporations take it as their duty to maximize profit - no matter what it does to people, society or the environment.

We drop duty, service, mercy from our personal values? People get ahead by being selfish and self-serving, and entire industries arise to help them along.

We humans have a remarkable ability to shape our environment - and the shape of that environment determines the behaviors required to succeed. We create and strengthen our environments by every action we take – which is why character matters, and why mercy and compassion matters, and what gives meaning to duty and sacrifice and service.

If not us, then who?


Anonymous said...

Well, I haven't noticed that you have been preaching the gospel of Christ.

More like the gospel of SCIENTISM.

Greg Myers said...

And I suppose that as long as we are telling people they must become Christians, then any behaviour (as longs as it can be made to look "Chrsitian") is OK? And just what part of this post looks like scientism (whatever that is)? Or is this just a drive-by post?

Anonymous said...

Greg, from what I can tell, you have already bailed out on preaching the gospel of Christ.

What you are preaching is the Gospel of Science.